Avian Shifters – Release Scheule and Cover Reveal

Hi everyone!

I have news on the Avian Shifters series. It’s about a year later than I intended to be able to announce these release dates but never mind, lol.

First the follow up novellas I spoke about before. The bad news is that they didn’t work out as hoped. Raynard had to make certain mistakes in order for the plot of the first follow up novella to work, but he’s stubbornly refused to do that. The good news is that the follow up novellas will be replaced with follow up short stories – and those stories will be free. Free is always cool, right?

On to the novels!

They’ll come out in e-book and print and the e-book version will be released through Amazon, All Romance Ebooks, Barnes & Noble and iTunes.ย The plan is to upload each one for pre-order about two weeks before the actual release day.

Duck! has been polished, edited and proofed. I’m going through the proofs now. It will go off to file conversion in a day or two.

Duck! will be released in August 2015.

This is the gorgeous new cover by Kris Norris…


Magpie is being polished at the moment. It has a few more processes left to go through yet.

Magpie should be released in November 2015.

It has a fantastic new cover too!


And, the last book that’s part of this announcement, but certainly not least…

Albatross hasn’t been written yet, but it has been plotted out.

Albatross has a tentative release date of May 2016.

I already have a wonderful cover for it.


Okay, that’s all for now ๐Ÿ™‚ Back to working on the books!


Kim Dare

July Newsletter – Mostly Randomness

Hi Everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

Yesterday marked 7 years since my first e-book was accepted for publication. That book was Turquoise and Leather.

4. Turquoise and Leather

It seems like a long time ago and like yesterday at the same time. The industry has changed so much in that time. I think my writing has changed a fair bit too – hopefully for the better, lol.

Next bit of news. I have a cover for Seeking Something – the sixth and final book in the Sun, Sea and Submission series with Resplendence Publishing.

101. Seeking Something

This book will release early August. It will be e-book number 101 for me.

I’m still working on my edit of Duck! I’m over half way through and hope to finish it by my birthday in the middle of July. It will then go off to proofing etc. Cover art is happening too.

At this point it seems unlikely there will be a follow up novella. As much as I like the idea, I don’t think it will really appeal to many readers or work that well as a story.

Instead I’ll probably get straight on to the edit of Magpie.

As far as release dates go, I’m aiming for Duck! to re-release in September. If the stars all align perfectly, it could be moved forward to August, but September is far more likely.

My attempts at improving my writing output by decreasing my anxiety levels and generally improving my mental health are continuing. I’ve started a blog where I’ll be charting my efforts in some sort of fashion. http://www.hugsandcwtches.wordpress.com

You’re welcome to come and say hi there if you want to. There won’t be many, if any, posts about writing. It’s a very new blog. It’s all sequins and colouring at the moment as I try to record the point I’ve reached so far.

(If you’re wondering, a cwtch is Welsh for a cuddle. It’s one of my favourite Welsh words.)

I did have a vague idea that I’d do that blog completely incognito, but my ability to compartmentalise my life is non-existant. I don’t have an on-line identity apart from my author one and I’m not looking to add complications to my life, lol.

I think that’s it for now.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and July will rock for you all.

If you’re in the heat wave, stay safe. Hell, whatever weather you’ve got, take care of yourself.

