Duck! (Second Edition) – available for pre-order now!

Hi Everyone!

This was going to be a newsletter issued on the 1st of the month and with details on everything due to happen this month etc, but it’s now 1:52am tomorrow morning, so I’m just going to do today’s news and come back and do other days on other days.

Duck! is now available for pre-order on Amazon and All Romance E-books!

It will release officially on August 12th – at which time it will also go up on Barnes & Noble. (At the moment only big publishers have the ability to list books for pre-order there.)

So here we go – as I said before, this is the second edition of Duck! It has been tweaked and re-edited, but the plot hasn’t altered.

Duck! has a new cover for the new edition, and it’s made by Kris Norris.


The blurb:

Raised among humans, Ori Jones only discovered he was an avian shifter six months ago. Unable to complete a full shift until he reaches his avian maturity, he still can’t be sure of his exact species.

But with species comes rank, and rank is everything to the avians. When a partial shift allows the elders to announce that they believe Ori to be a rather ugly little duckling, he drops straight to the bottom rung of their hierarchy.

Life isn’t easy for Ori until he comes to the attention of a high ranking hawk shifter. Then the only question is, is Ori really a duck—and what will his new master think when the truth eventually comes out?

The pre-order links are – Amazon and All Romance E-books.

The Goodreads link is here. (The reviews are for the first edition. Your mileage may vary with the second edition on some points.)

A print edition is in the works.

And, finally, here’s the first chapter… Continue reading

Axel’s Pup – Available to Pre-order Now!

100. Axel's Pup

Axel’s Pup finally has a release date! It’s going to be available for immediate reading on Wednesday 11th March but it’s available for pre-order on All Romance E-books and Amazon now. I’m intending it to go out to Smashwords and its various channels on the day or release.


Axel’s Pup. You’ve been hearing about this one for a while! It’s a much longer novel than I’ve ever published before (176,000 words – larger than Duck! and Magpie combined!).

It’s Male/Male, BDSM, Human/Werewolf. There are motorcycles, and whips, and leather, and shifters, and tattoos, and kink, and I’m so excited about finally being able to share it with you I’m finding it hard to type because I’m literally shaking!

In some ways it’s the kind of book people who are familiar with my work might expect, in other ways it is a little bit different. I don’t use trigger warnings (for reasons I won’t go into here) but, like always, if you’re concerned about anything in particular you can email me and I’ll do my best to give you as much relevant information as I can 🙂

Also, if you’re a blogger/reviewer, and you’re interested in a review copy of the book, shoot me an e-mail and I’ll see what I can do. I know there are a couple of reviewers out there who I’ve spoken with about this book. I have a list, but if you want to send me an e-mail and remind me about things like what format you prefer that would be much appreciated 🙂

This is the Goodreads link.

This is the blurb:

As the landlord of The Dragon’s Lair and leader of The Black Dragons Motorcycle Club, Axel Carmichael has seen it all and done it all. He’s a respected and experienced dom. Nothing shocks him any more, and nobody catches him off guard.

When Bayden rides up to The Dragon’s Lair on a bike worth more than most men earn in a year, and immediately demonstrates that he has far more attitude than sense, it’s easy for Axel to write him off as a silly little rich boy who’s about to get himself killed.

But, there’s more to Bayden than meets the eye. He’s no silly little boy, rich or otherwise, and werewolves aren’t easy to kill.

And here’s an excerpt. Because it’s a longer book, it’s a longer excerpt – the whole first chapter!

Chapter One

  Continue reading