October Newsletter

Hi Everyone!

Happy October!

A few different things to update everyone on this month…

Expanded Distribution!

Also known as a posh way to say I finally have my ebooks up for sale on a few more websites πŸ™‚

My indi titles are now all available on Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble/Nook, Apple Books (which was called iTunes or iBooks until recently), Smashwords (plus the places Smashwords distributes to) and Payhip. Links to all the channels are on the individual book pages on my website.

The only ones left to add are the free ones, which I’ll be doing in between writing projects, as time allows.

Print books

Apologies if any of my print titles are showing as temporarily unavailable. Create Space (the people who used to produce my paper backs) have just merged with Amazon, and there are a few teething troubles. They will hopefully all be available again soon, along with the print version of With a Kiss.

Content Notes

I’ve been working on a project for a little while now, getting content notes for my stories written and posted on my website. It’s something that will always be something of an ongoing project, but I finally have the indi ones more or less done.

I wanted to make them as easily findable as possible for those who want them, but not put them where people who consider them spoilers will trip over them – so they’re all grouped together on a dedicated page. There’s a link on each book page on my website, and I’ve updated each of the book files to put a link in them too.

While it’s never possible to cover every single topic someone might want to be warned about, I’ve tried to cover the main ones effectively. So – references to sexual violence, intimate partner violence, drug use, self harm, secondary character death etc.

I’ve made them as detailed as felt possible, noting where the content is on or off page, or where it’s a reference to something in the character’s past. It would be fair to say there are significant spoilers all over the place.

The books I’ve made content notes for are – Axel’s Pup, With a Kiss, Duck, Celebrate, Magpie, Worth Waiting For, Worth a Shot.

For what it’s worth, I think they make my stories sound a lot darker than they really are. They are mostly just a mixture of kinky and soppy.

Hopefully they will help where they can help and be ignored by everyone else πŸ™‚

Here’s the Content Notes Page.

Social Media

I’m trying to change the way I use social media. The first step in that is going to be a complete social media detox. So, I’ll be taking a complete break from social media during October.

I’m also trying to speed up and get more writing done, so hopefully those two things will work well together πŸ™‚

If you’d like to get in touch with me, I’ll still be reachable via e-mail, and I’ll still see the comments posted to this blog. However, it’s really unlikely I’ll see anything anyone says to me on Facebook (both page and profile), Twitter, Messenger or Pintrest.

Sorry in advance if it looks like I’m ignoring any one, that’s really not my intention!

New Releases

My last new release, for those who were on holidays at the end of August / beginning of September and might have missed it, was Straight to Hell. It’s a MM, BDSM, Erotic Romance Novella. Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed so far!

The next release is the second edition of Once a Brat, which will come out at the start of November.

Works in Progress

I’m working hard to finish the new version of All the Gear. That should go off to my lovely editor some time this month.

Next up is Bayden’s Alpha. By the end of the month, this book will finally have my complete attention.

It probably wouldn’t be entirely truthful to say that Bayden’s Alpha is coming *soon*, since it’s a long book and will take quite some time to write, but it is now properly in the works πŸ™‚

And that’s it –Β Hope everyone has a great October!


Kim Dare

Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017!

Hi Everyone πŸ™‚

It’s been a strange year this year. And it’s only got stranger in the last week with the sudden closure of All Romance Ebooks!

In a lot ofΒ ways I think the less said about 2016 the better. I’ll stay away from politics and world events, but I will do a very quick recap of my year as a writer:

Two ebook releases…

imageΒ  Β  Β image

One print book release…


Two audio book releases…

duck-audioΒ  Β  Β magpie-audio

And that was it. Not my best year, but we are firmly closing that book now.

Swiftly moving on to my plans for 2017 –

I’m hoping for a much more productive year!

There are 4 audio books already in production that should be coming out quite soon. Axel’s Pup, Worth Waiting For, Worth a Shot, and Base Over Apex.

I’m aiming for at least 6 ebook releases in 2017 – at least 3 indi re-releases of titles I’ve reclaimed from publishers, with one of those being novel length, and at least 3 entirely new titles, with one of those being novel length too.

The two novel length releases will also come out in print. Fingers crossed, some might come out in audio too πŸ™‚

With the closure of All Romance Ebooks, I’m also going to be looking into placing my indi titles at other distributors, and maybe even looking into doing something with Kindle Unlimited. No firm decisions yet though.

The first ebook that will release in 2017 has already gone off to editorial. It’s a re-worked version of a story I originally brought out as Yes! (It was available a few years ago, both as a stand alone and as part of the Friction Anthology, but has been out of print for a little while now.)

The new version has a new title – Instant Gratification. ItΒ will be part of a new collection called How I Met My Master. And it has a new cover too!


More info on Instant Gratification coming later this month, hopefully followed by a release date in February πŸ™‚

Thank you to everyone for your support and friendship over the last year, I really do hope to pay you back with some new works in the year to come!


Kim Dare

July Newsletter – Mostly Randomness

Hi Everyone πŸ™‚

Yesterday marked 7 years since my first e-book was accepted for publication. That book was Turquoise and Leather.

4. Turquoise and Leather

It seems like a long time ago and like yesterday at the same time. The industry has changed so much in that time. I think my writing has changed a fair bit too – hopefully for the better, lol.

Next bit of news. I have a cover for Seeking Something – the sixth and final book in the Sun, Sea and Submission series with Resplendence Publishing.

101. Seeking Something

This book will release early August. It will be e-book number 101 for me.

I’m still working on my edit of Duck! I’m over half way through and hope to finish it by my birthday in the middle of July. It will then go off to proofing etc. Cover art is happening too.

At this point it seems unlikely there will be a follow up novella. As much as I like the idea, I don’t think it will really appeal to many readers or work that well as a story.

Instead I’ll probably get straight on to the edit of Magpie.

As far as release dates go, I’m aiming for Duck! to re-release in September. If the stars all align perfectly, it could be moved forward to August, but September is far more likely.

My attempts at improving my writing output by decreasing my anxiety levels and generally improving my mental health are continuing. I’ve started a blog where I’ll be charting my efforts in some sort of fashion. http://www.hugsandcwtches.wordpress.com

You’re welcome to come and say hi there if you want to. There won’t be many, if any, posts about writing. It’s a very new blog. It’s all sequins and colouring at the moment as I try to record the point I’ve reached so far.

(If you’re wondering, a cwtch is Welsh for a cuddle. It’s one of my favourite Welsh words.)

I did have a vague idea that I’d do that blog completely incognito, but my ability to compartmentalise my life is non-existant. I don’t have an on-line identity apart from my author one and I’m not looking to add complications to my life, lol.

I think that’s it for now.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and July will rock for you all.

If you’re in the heat wave, stay safe. Hell, whatever weather you’ve got, take care of yourself.



June News Letter – Coming Soon, Sun, Avians, FIT and Misc

Hi everyone πŸ™‚

I’m a day late with June, but since May completely passed me by I’m going to call it an improvement!

I have lots of bits of news on different things so I’ll jump right in.Β  Continue reading

April Newsletter – AKA My plans for the next eight months!

Hello everyone πŸ™‚

I’ve had a few questions lately about what readers can expect to be written sooner rather than later and what might be released when. So, rather than tell you what I’m doing this month, I’m going to go through the projects on my to do list so we can all have some idea what order everything will happen in.

Seeking Something

This is my current work in progress. It’s a Male/Male novella (about 20k words). This one is all cuteΒ and fluffy after the emotional wringer Axel’s Pup put me through. It’s going to be published through Resplendence Publishing as the sixth and final installment in the Sun, Sea and Submission series. No fixed release date, but I’m hoping to submit as soon as possible.

(For those keeping track, this one was previously titled Fourteen Nights.)

Goodreads MM Romance Group Event

I have a title and character names but I’m not allowed to share them until the group does it’s quiz. I think I might be cutting it fine for submitting this one by the end of April deadline. I might end up asking for an extension. On the plus side, it looks likely to end up a bit longer than my stories for previous years events have been.

If you are a member of the group you can see the prompt I’m writing for here. If you’re not, I’ll be posting the details here and on my website at some point. The story will be posted on the group page at some point over the summer, and will also be available to download for free in due course.


If you’ve been reading me a while, this is one you might have read before. It came out with Resplendence Publishing a few years ago. I reclaimed the rights about a year ago and it’s been out of print since. I’m going to give it a polish, maybe add a bit of explanation of things that confused readers before, and bring out a new edition.

I’m toying with the idea of writing a follow up novella that will catch up with Raynard and Ori, and see how they settle into their new roles in the nest. I keep changing my mind on if it would be a good idea or not. I’m pretty sure I’d enjoy writing it, but maybe it’s a self indulgent project. It might unbalance the original story. My style has changed a bit, so it might sound odd. I’ll probably make a decision once I’ve re-polished the existing novel.

The release date will depend a lot on if I write a follow up and how long that possible follow up ends up being.


You can mentally copy and paste everything about Duck! here for Magpie. There may or may not be a follow up, and that will dictate the release date.


This is the new novel in the Avian Shifter universe. It will feature Ambrose, Everet’s friend from Magpie, and a new shifter to the nest. I expect it to be about the same length as Duck! And Magpie which currently stand at 75k each. I’d love it to come out during 2015 – that probably depends on hoe my energy levels go. It might be possible, it might not.

Kinky Cupid

There are two of novellas planned for Valentine’s 2016. One is all new, the other is a re-write of All the Gear, No Idea, which was published by All Romance Ebooks and which is currently out of print. I’m not sure if there will be any extra additions to the series, I’m sure the characters will let me know in due course.

I missed Valentine’s 2015, so I’d like these to come out in February 2016. If I miss that deadline, I may just move Valentine’s to a different month and go with them whenever they are ready.

Bayden’s Alpha

This is the tentative title for the next book in the Werewolves & Dragons series. It will follow Bayden and Axel’s ongoing relationship, seeing how it alters and adapts when the world around them changes. I expect it to be another long one. A lot of the same secondary characters will return, and new characters will be introduced. It’s hard to say too much more without spoilering.

I would like this one to come out in 2016, but as I’m sure you all understand, books this length are not quickly produced. How long it takes me to complete other projects in this list will have a knock on effect for this release date.

Side Projects

There are a couple of other projects I’m working on alongside the main projects I’ve already listed.

I’d like to re-polish and re-publish my existing free short stories. My style has improved since many of them were written. It would also be nice to have the available in different formats etc.

I’m gradually reclaiming the rights to some of my previously published stories. These will need to be re-polished etc and brought out as self-pub / indi projects.

I’m also working on getting my self pub projects onto different retailers and into print.

I think all that is more than enough to keep me busy!

Any questions, feel free to ask in the comments πŸ™‚


Kim Dare

P.S. I’ve had a bit of a health wobble and spent most of the last week in bed, which is why I’m a bit late with this blog post. If you’re waiting for me to do something, I promise I’m gradually catching up on everything and will get to you soon πŸ™‚

Happy 2015!

I did plan to do a series of posts. A round up of 2014. What’s to come in 2015. You know the kind of thing.

I worked out a schedule for this year for the blog too. Mondays – news and randomness. Wednesdays – free fiction. Friday – flashback to an old title.

Over December I was also working on the final draft of Axel’s Pup before it goes off for formal editing.

When it came time to work on the blog posts I realised that anyone who is interested enough to read what I have to say in a blog post would probably much prefer me to get on with finishing the book.

So, that’s what I’m doing. If I have a good run of energy I think I have about two weeks worth of work left to do on the book. Once it’s done I will be back here blogging and catching up with all the end of the year things. In the meantime, I’m sure you’ll understand why I’m not saying much πŸ™‚

I’ll still be popping up on twitter every now and again. You can find me @KimDareAuthor. I’m behind with emails but slowly catching up so if you are waiting for a reply I’ll be with you soon πŸ™‚

Before I disappear back into my book, two heads ups –

There’s a giveaway for The Gift here.

And my books are under a fifty percent rebate on All Romance Eboks today. Find them here.

Have a wonderful 2015 everybody!


Kim Dare.

December Newsletter

Hi everyone!

Happening this month:

I’m trying out a weekly FAQ post on the blog. It will go up every Saturday this month and then we’ll see how it goes.

Works in Progress:

Axel’s Pup has been beta read (the first time I’ve ever used beta readers – it’s been interesting!). I’m now working on the third, and I hope final, draft before it goes off to be edited.

Giveaway winners (names used are the ones publicly listed on the relevant platform):

Amber Kell’s Birthday Bash: JackieG

Boy Meet Boy Reviews: Alaina

Twitter followers: Michele Rakes

Blog followers: Libby

Goodreads friends: Bronwyn Heeley

Each winner will soon recieve an e-mail, twitter DM or Goodreads message letting them know what they’ve won πŸ™‚

And, that’s it. Whatever holidays you and yours are celebrating this month, wishing you a wonderful December!

