April Newsletter – AKA My plans for the next eight months!

Hello everyone πŸ™‚

I’ve had a few questions lately about what readers can expect to be written sooner rather than later and what might be released when. So, rather than tell you what I’m doing this month, I’m going to go through the projects on my to do list so we can all have some idea what order everything will happen in.

Seeking Something

This is my current work in progress. It’s a Male/Male novella (about 20k words). This one is all cuteΒ and fluffy after the emotional wringer Axel’s Pup put me through. It’s going to be published through Resplendence Publishing as the sixth and final installment in the Sun, Sea and Submission series. No fixed release date, but I’m hoping to submit as soon as possible.

(For those keeping track, this one was previously titled Fourteen Nights.)

Goodreads MM Romance Group Event

I have a title and character names but I’m not allowed to share them until the group does it’s quiz. I think I might be cutting it fine for submitting this one by the end of April deadline. I might end up asking for an extension. On the plus side, it looks likely to end up a bit longer than my stories for previous years events have been.

If you are a member of the group you can see the prompt I’m writing for here. If you’re not, I’ll be posting the details here and on my website at some point. The story will be posted on the group page at some point over the summer, and will also be available to download for free in due course.


If you’ve been reading me a while, this is one you might have read before. It came out with Resplendence Publishing a few years ago. I reclaimed the rights about a year ago and it’s been out of print since. I’m going to give it a polish, maybe add a bit of explanation of things that confused readers before, and bring out a new edition.

I’m toying with the idea of writing a follow up novella that will catch up with Raynard and Ori, and see how they settle into their new roles in the nest. I keep changing my mind on if it would be a good idea or not. I’m pretty sure I’d enjoy writing it, but maybe it’s a self indulgent project. It might unbalance the original story. My style has changed a bit, so it might sound odd. I’ll probably make a decision once I’ve re-polished the existing novel.

The release date will depend a lot on if I write a follow up and how long that possible follow up ends up being.


You can mentally copy and paste everything about Duck! here for Magpie. There may or may not be a follow up, and that will dictate the release date.


This is the new novel in the Avian Shifter universe. It will feature Ambrose, Everet’s friend from Magpie, and a new shifter to the nest. I expect it to be about the same length as Duck! And Magpie which currently stand at 75k each. I’d love it to come out during 2015 – that probably depends on hoe my energy levels go. It might be possible, it might not.

Kinky Cupid

There are two of novellas planned for Valentine’s 2016. One is all new, the other is a re-write of All the Gear, No Idea, which was published by All Romance Ebooks and which is currently out of print. I’m not sure if there will be any extra additions to the series, I’m sure the characters will let me know in due course.

I missed Valentine’s 2015, so I’d like these to come out in February 2016. If I miss that deadline, I may just move Valentine’s to a different month and go with them whenever they are ready.

Bayden’s Alpha

This is the tentative title for the next book in the Werewolves & Dragons series. It will follow Bayden and Axel’s ongoing relationship, seeing how it alters and adapts when the world around them changes. I expect it to be another long one. A lot of the same secondary characters will return, and new characters will be introduced. It’s hard to say too much more without spoilering.

I would like this one to come out in 2016, but as I’m sure you all understand, books this length are not quickly produced. How long it takes me to complete other projects in this list will have a knock on effect for this release date.

Side Projects

There are a couple of other projects I’m working on alongside the main projects I’ve already listed.

I’d like to re-polish and re-publish my existing free short stories. My style has improved since many of them were written. It would also be nice to have the available in different formats etc.

I’m gradually reclaiming the rights to some of my previously published stories. These will need to be re-polished etc and brought out as self-pub / indi projects.

I’m also working on getting my self pub projects onto different retailers and into print.

I think all that is more than enough to keep me busy!

Any questions, feel free to ask in the comments πŸ™‚


Kim Dare

P.S. I’ve had a bit of a health wobble and spent most of the last week in bed, which is why I’m a bit late with this blog post. If you’re waiting for me to do something, I promise I’m gradually catching up on everything and will get to you soon πŸ™‚

Axel’s Pup – Catching Up and FAQ

Hi everyone!

I had no idea last week was going to be as manic as it was. Axel’s Pup has proved far more popular than I expected, which is lovely, but it also has me playing catch up.

I only realised today that I never got around to doing a post saying that Axel’s Pup is available to buy now! Lol.

Well, it is available πŸ™‚ You can find it on Amazon,Β All Romance Ebooks and on Goodreads.

If you’re currently debating if the book is for you, you might find Amazon’s look inside feature helpful. They offer 10% of the book as a sample. For a book this length, that means you can try over 17,000 words before you decide if you want to buy or not!

Since the book came out, a few people have asked questions about different things. Here are some of the answers. (Please be aware, if you haven’t read Axel’s Pup, there could be spoilers.) Continue reading

Six Years Later! + FAQ

Hi Everyone!

Today it is officially six years since my first story was published!

It’s been a busy six years, but over 100 stories later, here I am πŸ™‚

Since today is the anniversary of that first story, I thought I’d start of my FAQ (Frequently Ask Questions) posts by doing one that celebrates everything that’s happened in the last six years.

A few people have asked lately if there’s a list of books that they can tick titles off as they read them. I had one on my website for a while, but it got out of date. So, here’s the new and improved version.

To make it easily copy and paste-able, I haven’t used links. You can find the links and covers on my website here.

Complete Book List 2008-2014 Continue reading