Happy New Year + Now Available to Pre-Order :)

Happy New Year Everyone!

2018 was the year where I finally managed to put bits of my brain back together well enough to resume writing regularly! So I feel like I’m starting 2019 in a much better position than where I started 2019.

I worked every single day for the last eight months of 2018 (after only managing 8 days in the first four months). I didn’t do a huge amount every day, but I did work consistently. In 2019, I’m hoping to maintain that, and to build on it.

2018 also saw the closure of Resplendence Publishing. I regained the rights to 24 of my titles at the end of the year. They will all eventually be release as indi titles, but it will take quite a bit of time to make that happen, so your patience is appreciated there.

Okay, the publication schedule for 2019…

The last two books in the Kinky Cupid series are not only firmly fixed in the schedule, they’re also now up for pre-order now on Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords! (iBooks pre-order coming soon.)

They are both best read in sequence as part of the Kinky Cupid series (the previous titles being Once a Brat and Base Over Apex).

1st February – Sticks and Stones (Kinky Cupid 3)

15. Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones is an entirely new story featuring Dan, who appeared briefly in previous titles, and Mr Tomlinson, one of the owners of The Spread Eagle.

Here’s the blurb:

As the owner of The Spread Eagle, Mr Tomlinson has told himself that the only reason he keeps a watchful eye on his bartender, Dan, is because he doesn’t like his employees slacking off when they’re on the clock. What other interest could he have in Dan when they are both confirmed doms?

Finding out from the club’s resident brat, Bret, that Dan has switched in the past, opens up a whole new world of opportunities for Mr Tomlinson. And, discovering that Bret is trying to set Dan up with a dom who is completely unsuitable for him means that Mr Tomlinson has to act quickly.

But was everything Bret told Mr Tomlinson the truth? And, if Dan really is a switch, why has he been lying about that ever since he came to work at The Spread Eagle?

Pre-order links, excerpt and further details on my website here.

1st March – All the Gear (Kinky Cupid 4)

16. All the Gear

All the Gear is sort of a re-release and sort of not one. When I tried to update the story (originally titled All the Gear, No Idea), I found I would be better off re-writing it from almost scratch.

A few thousand words of the old version made it into the new version, everything else was built from a blank screen. The plot is similar, but has been expanded. McCormack’s character hasn’t changed, but Theo grew quite a bit. This version is also over 10,000 words longer (30k rather than 18k).

So, it’s kind of the same story, and kind of not.

Here’s the new blurb:

McCormack’s damned if he’ll be the next of Marcus’s friends to find himself set up by Bret, and as Valentine’s Day approaches, he’s especially wary. But, apparently, it’s not Bret’s plans for him he should be worried about.

When Mr Tomlinson asks McCormack for a favour, he finds himself going along with it, even though babysitting a novice who has all the gear, but no idea what to do with any of it, is the last thing he wants to do on Valentine’s night.

Theo is nothing like the experienced subs McCormack usually plays with, but he soon finds himself captivated by Theo’s clumsy yet earnest attempts to please him.

It really does seem like opposites attract, and everything is perfect—right up to the moment when McCormack discovers that one of his friends has a hidden agenda where Theo is concerned.

Pre-order links, excerpt and further details on my website here.

March should also see the paperback version of the Kinky Cupid series released, with all four titles in the series combined in one book.

The third ebook title of 2019 is Virgin Territory. It’s scheduled for release on 1st May, and will probably go up for pre-order in February.


Virgin Territory is a re-release.

(It’s also the last title I need to re-release from those that were originally published by All Romance Ebooks before they imploded. Yay! Now I only need to finish doing the re-releases of titles I regained from Amber Quill, Resplendence Publishing and Riptide Publishing, lol!)

This one was tweaked and re-edited, but it wasn’t substantially extended from the original version. You can find the blurb and further info here.

In the second half of the year, I’m hoping to have another two or three titles go on sale.

One of those will be Bayden’s Alpha – the second book in the Werewolves & Dragons series after Axel’s Pup.

I’m in the process of writing this book at the moment. The original plan was for it to be about 120k, but it looks likely to end up being closer to 180k (the same length as Axel’s Pup).

I’m tentatively hoping for it to come out October 2019, but I can’t make any promises just yet.

The final one or two books for 2019 are still undecided. Maybe a new version of Mistletoe and Submission. Maybe a compilation of short stories. Maybe something else. I’ll decide once Bayden’s Alpha is finished 🙂

And that’s it!

Happy 2019 – I hope it will be a wonderful year for us all!


Kim Dare