Avians in Audio!

Hi Everyone,

As I’ve so often had to say before – I’m really sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted any updates here.

It’s been a combination of not a lot to say because I haven’t been able to get much done, along with quite a bit of inconsistency about what I’ve felt up to working on, so not a lot to say about what I’m doing either. Every time I start a post saying I’m working on one thing, I end up working on something else before I’ve even hit the button to post it, lol.

But I actually have news today – and it’s good news!

Duck! and Magpie have just been released in audio by Audible Studios!

I sold the audio rights to six books to them a little while ago, but I wasn’t expecting them to come out so soon, so it’s been a bit of a surprise, but a good one 🙂

I’ve made a concious decision not to listen to audio versions of my own books, because I think having a narrator’s version of a character’s voice, competing with the version of the character’s voice that already exists inside my head, will make it harder for me to keep on writing the characters in future titles.

However, I do have it on good authority that the narrator for Duck! and Magpie – Rod M. Maskew – is amazing!

Here are the links to each book on Audible 🙂



The other audio books that Audible Studios have the rights to are Axel’s Pup, Worth Waiting For, Worth a Shot, and Base Over Apex. Not sure when they will release them, but I’ll let you know as and when I get the info 🙂

Briefly, before I go – in other news:

I’ve recently finished a re-working of a short novella called Yes! The original version came out with Totally Bound a few years ago, both as a stand alone and in the Friction Anthology, but I have the rights back now and will be bringing a new version of it out in the first quarter of 2017.

Yes! has gone off to editorial, and I’ve ordered the cover, so it’s all going to plan there.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic December and enjoying all the holidays 🙂

