
84. Magpie

The second draft of Magpie is now available!

You can find the e-book version on All Romance Ebooks, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Here’s the blurb:

Everet has found his perfect place in the nest. As a raven, he’s ideally suited to his new role in the nest’s security flock. Some of the jobs it entails have been far more enjoyable than others, but when he’s called to retrieve a magpie, who’s got himself into trouble in a local human club, it becomes a truly life changing experience.

Magpie shifters have always been looked down on by other avians. Just as attracted to shiny things in their human bodies as they are in their avian forms, everyone knows they’ll do anything for money—and they’re not above stealing what they can’t get by more honest means.

Kane knows what being a magpie means, and he’s got the bruises to show for it. When Everet rescues him from his latest scrape, Kane knows better than to believe the raven will actually take an interest in him and his welfare, but it’s just possible that Everet is different to any other man Kane has ever met.

Please Note: This book is best read in order as part of the Avian Shifters series. The previous stories are Duck! and Celebrate.

Please also note: This is the second edition of this title. It has been tweaked and re-edited, but the story hasn’t changed.

If you aren’t sure if you’re interested in it or not, you can read the first chapter on All Romance E-books or you can read the first 10% as a sample on Amazon.

The print version has just been finalised. It should be showing up for sale soon 🙂

Time to Celebrate!

Hi Everyone!

Happy November! So much happy news!

Axel’s Pup has received an honourable mention in the Rainbow Awards. (Final results will come out in December.)

Celebrate is up for sale!

I haven’t posted much about it – I don’t think anyone has even seen a blurb before today! It’s a short story follow up to Duck! Here are the details…

102. Celebrate


It’s not easy learning how to be a swan, but Ori Jones has worked hard to embrace a role that still doesn’t come entirely naturally to him. Now, almost a year after his first full shift, he finally feels as if he is making a difference at the Anderson nest.

Ori’s happier than he’d ever been, until a few words from his master, Raynard, suddenly bring all of Ori’s old fears rushing back to the surface.

The nest’s elders want to have a party for Ori’s birthday, but Ori can’t see any reason to celebrate in it being a year since he reached his avian maturity. After all, what’s the use in learning to be a good swan when Raynard never wanted a swan in the first place?

It’s about 9000 words, is priced at $0.99.

You can get it on Amazon and All Romance E-books. (Barnes & Noble link will show up soon.)

Also, the second edition of Magpie has gone up to pre-order!

If you were around when the first edition came out, then please bear in mind that this one has been tweaked and re-edited, but the story hasn’t been altered or extended.

Here are the details:

84. Magpie


Everet has found his perfect place in the nest. As a raven, he’s ideally suited to his new role in the nest’s security flock. Some of the jobs it entails have been far more enjoyable than others, but when he’s called to retrieve a magpie, who’s got himself into trouble in a local human club, it becomes a truly life changing experience.

Magpie shifters have always been looked down on by other avians. Just as attracted to shiny things in their human bodies as they are in their avian forms, everyone knows they’ll do anything for money—and they’re not above stealing what they can’t get by more honest means.

Kane knows what being a magpie means, and he’s got the bruises to show for it. When Everet rescues him from his latest scrape, Kane knows better than to believe the raven will actually take an interest in him and his welfare, but it’s just possible that Everet is different to any other man Kane has ever met.

It’s 80,000 words long and priced at $4.99.

You can pre-order it now, and it will release on November 14th.

It’s on Amazon and All Romance E-books. (Barnes & Noble doesn’t allow for indi pre-orders.)

That’s it for now 🙂

